What The History – Prohibition Party and Totally Flat

In this episode Suzie visits with Izzy and Moe and Trevor explores a flat Earth.
What the history?

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Abbott K 2012, ‘Prohibition’s Premier Hooch Hounds’ https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/prohibitions-premier-hooch-hounds-16963599/
Hanson D 2021, ‘Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith: Famous Prohibition Agents’ https://www.alcoholproblemsandsolutions.org/izzy-einstein-and-moe-smith/
Maeder J 2017, ‘Rumhounds Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith turned Prohibition arrests into comedy’ https://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/rumhounds-izzy-moe-turned-prohibition-arrests-comedy-article-1.787185
Time Magazine 1925, ‘PROHIBITION: Izzy and Moe’ http://content.time.com/time/subscriber/article/0,33009,928717,00.html
The History Guy 2017, ‘Izzy Einstein and Moe Smith, Prohibition Agents’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xcl_HrmtgIk
Neil DeGrasse Tyson Gets Into A Rap Battle With B.o.B Over Flat Earth Theory (NPR 26 Jan 2016)
Why some still believe the flat Earth conspiracy (MPR News 14 Feb 2022)
‘Mad’ Mike Hughes’ Last Ride: Inside a Flat-Earther’s Doomed Mission (Rolling Stone 15 February 2022
The Flat Earth (Donald E Simanek 2006)
This Month in Physics History (APS Physics June 2006)
Eratosthenes (World History Encyclopedia 3 March 2022)
When Sailors from Ancient Egypt Discovered the World is Not Flat, No One Listened (Ancient Origins 21 Sep 2018)
The Curious History of The International Flat Earth Society (Smithsonian Magazine 29 Jn 2016)
Do they really think the earth is flat? (BBC News 4 August 2008)
Flat wrong: the misunderstood history of flat Earth theories (The Conversation 29 Jan 2016)
Are flat-earthers being serious? (Live Science 17 December 2021)
THE FLAT EARTH THEORY (Chapter 4: Metaphysics, Introduction to Philosophy, an online textbook by Philip A Pecorino Ph.D.)
Documenting the Existence of “The International Flat Earth Society” (The TalkOrigins Archive, 1993)
Other stuff:
The word history in the opening theme has been extracted from…
History Never Repeats – Split Enz (1981)
History Repeating – Propellerheads feat: Miss Shirley Bassey (1998)
Flame Trees – Cold Chisel (1984)
You’re History – Shakespeare’s Sister (1989)
Centuries – Fall Out Boy (2015)
Fade out – From Flat to Fact – Ellect (Featuring Neil deGrasse Tyson)
All music used under fair use provisions.